Noveaulab Portfolio
Explore Our Innovative Solutions

Stoelting Co. is comprised of five separate Divisions. Although Stoelting is a diversified company, the major product lines are all related to physiological, psychological, and psychophysiological measurement. The Physiology Research Instruments Division boasts several proprietary instrument designs; our line of Stereotaxic Instruments is world-renowned, and the recent launch of Stoelting-Label Dovetail Slide Micromanipulators is taking the scientific community by storm.

As the world leader in noninvasive blood pressure, physiological monitoring and anesthesia systems for mice and rats, we enable our customers to achieve results that are fast, consistent and exceedingly accurate. We provide the latest technological advances in research products at the best prices.

MicroDigital has worked with years of development experience, patents and research capacity to develop and supply reliable and convenient products.Solutions include the Mobi – monochromator-based microplate spectrophotometer and Nabi – UV/Vis Nano Spectrophotometer

Hanon Group is committed to the research of scientific instruments and analysis methods in food and pharmacy industries, provision of instruments and comprehensive solutions for technology workers.
Solutions include Hanon for elemental analysis, Sineo Microwave for microwave products, G.A.S for trace VOCs analysis

Abcam identifies, develops, and provides high-quality biological reagents and tools which are essential in a wide range of fields and applications including drug discovery, diagnostics and basic research.

Sci Finetech has been producing and supplying laboratory equipment to every kind of lab and renowned research institutions of many.

Apera Instruments provides all types of scientific instruments and sensors for measuring pH, ORP, conductivity, TDS, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and ISE with our industry-leading technologies, quality control system and customer service.

Based in Singapore, Magenta Labscience has extensive experience in Turnkey Projects for Bio-Safety Laboratories over 17 years. We have successfully completed numerous Bio-Safety laboratory (BSL3 & BSL2) projects in China, India, South-East Asia (e.g. Thailand, Indonesia, etc.) and Other regions (e.g. Egypt).Offerings include UV-Vis spectrophotometers, FTIR, ICP-OES among others

Don Whitley Scientific Limited develops, manufactures and sells equipment and associated products for microbiology and cell culture applications worldwide. Brand names you may recognise include the Whitley Workstation range, Hypoxystation, WASP (Whitley Automated Spiral Plater) and RABIT (Rapid Automated Bacterial Impedance Technique)