
Stoelting Co. is comprised of five separate Divisions. Although Stoelting is a diversified company, the major product lines are all related to physiological, psychological, and psychophysiological measurement. The Physiology Research Instruments Division boasts several proprietary instrument designs; our line of Stereotaxic Instruments is world-renowned, and the recent launch of Stoelting-Label Dovetail Slide Micromanipulators is taking the scientific […]
Kent Scientific Corporation

As the world leader in noninvasive blood pressure, physiological monitoring and anesthesia systems for mice and rats, we enable our customers to achieve results that are fast, consistent and exceedingly accurate. We provide the latest technological advances in research products at the best prices.
MicroDigital Co., Ltd

MicroDigital has worked with years of development experience, patents and research capacity to develop and supply reliable and convenient products.Solutions include the Mobi – monochromator-based microplate spectrophotometer and Nabi – UV/Vis Nano Spectrophotometer

Abcam identifies, develops, and provides high-quality biological reagents and tools which are essential in a wide range of fields and applications including drug discovery, diagnostics and basic research.
Don Whitley Scientific

Don Whitley Scientific Limited develops, manufactures and sells equipment and associated products for microbiology and cell culture applications worldwide. Brand names you may recognise include the Whitley Workstation range, Hypoxystation, WASP (Whitley Automated Spiral Plater) and RABIT (Rapid Automated Bacterial Impedance Technique)

With a portfolio of more than 4,000 products covering the fields of genomics, protein analysis and expression, cellular analysis, drug discovery and genetic identity, Promega is a global leader in providing innovative solutions and technical support to life scientists in academic, industrial and government settings.
Pacific Biosciences

PacBio sequencing offers the most comprehensive view of genomes, transcriptomes, and epigenomes — including the full spectrum of genetic variation — by providing the longest average read lengths, highest consensus accuracy, and most uniform coverage of any sequencing technology on the market today.

KNAUER manufactures high-end scientific instruments for research, routine analysis, quality assurance, and other applications. Supported technologies include liquid chromatography, precise handling and pumping of liquids up to high pressures, as well as flow-through detection of dissolved substances. Customizable products and solutions are one of our strengths. Made in Germany.

The Winpact family which is the state-of-the-art fermentor and bioreactor for the fermentation and cell cultivation system. The Winpact product family offers a wide range of fermentation systems including many widely applied bench top-sized instruments, pilot scale and production scale equipment.

Accuris, a division of Benchmark Scientific, has expanded into the areas of precision liquid handling, laboratory weighing, and electrophoresis.